The importance of Lifestyle Medicine
Population aging is accelerating rapidly, presenting extraordinary challenges to health care systems.
Chronic diseases are presently the leading cause of morbidity and mortality and are responsible for most of our health care expenditure. Most of these are preventable and are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. More than 80% of chronic conditions could be avoided through the adoption of healthy lifestyle recommendations.
Implementation of healthy options can save lives.
A growing body of basic science, clinical research, and population health evidence points to the benefits of healthy behaviors, environments and policies to maintain health and prevent, treat, and reverse the root causes of common chronic diseases.
Lifestyle Pillars
Attempts are made to reinforce and prioritize six core areas: plant-predominant nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, addictive behaviors, and positive psychology/social connection.
Nutrition may facilitate physical and cognitive function and ultimately promote successful aging.
Physical activity can prevent a wide range of diseases, including diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders.
No Stress
Chronic stress has negative health effects on every organ system of the body and may cause disease.
Ensuring we get enough, good quality sleep is vital for our overall health and wellbeing.
Family and community relationships give our lives purpose and meaning.
Avoid Toxic substances
The risks associated with harmful and toxic substances, such as alcohol or tobacco, are well known.
Take ControlOver Your Health
Being mindful of your food choices, relieving stress, being physically active, avoiding dangerous substance use, getting enough sleep, and having an emotional support system in your life arejust what the doctor prescribeto prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic diseases and certain autoinflammatory conditions.